Saturday, June 25, 2011

Four drawings I made at work

I made these four sketches in the past few weeks. I've been saving drawings like these (made on the back of 'spoilage report' sheets from my optical lab job) for over four years and I have about 2000 of them. Not all of them are good, a lot are just grocery lists or random ideas.

I'm compelled to record my thoughts during the spare moments between verifying eyeglass prescriptions.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another "bitmap" drawing

One of the rules for making these is that squares and rectangles can only touch at the corners.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New drawings based on the square, instead of the triangle

Last Wednesday I participated in Draw Your Face Off #2 at Space Gallery. I sat at a table, drew whatever came to mind for three hours. Each time I finished a drawing I walked up and clipped it to the wall, and then people could just take it off the wall and buy it for 20 dollars. I did this again on Friday the same week because I had a lot of fun the first time. I made 11 drawings total and at least 8 have sold so far and I have no record of any of them.
These drawings here on this blog post were made just after DYFO2. I feel like the live drawing event pushed me into new territory. Not very far forward, maybe even a step back into 8 bit video game land, or into two bit land, a world of black and white, (or one thing and another thing.) I've been using black and white for a while but now it's really real.

...even if brown is the new white.
I have no idea where this is going but it's definitely going.