Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spiky Sea Cucumber and friend

These two paintings are a slight departure from the consistent blob clusters I've been making by dropping ink into wetted triangles. This time I'm dropping ink into the corners of the triangles, and the overall forms are left unconnected, precarious, and spiky. I imagine them as diagrams or patterns that could be cut out and assembled into bulbous forms, like they are flattened polygons of computer generated 3-d Models.

I've spent some time looking at patterns for making Paper Models of Polyhedra, and I guess I'm more interested in the look and layouts of the flat patterns themselves than the 3D forms.
I'm tempted to cut out this bottom painting and try to make a paper sculpture, but maybe I'll do it with a digital print in the future.

1 comment:

Sophia B. said...

I really love these...making these flattened polygons that are impossible or nonsensical is pretty interesting!